Sources for Actual Weather Data

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I'm modeling an existing building in Trane Trace and have utility data
for the last two years. I'd like to replace the TMY2 weather data in my
model with actual hourly data. Can anyone point me to information on
where to obtain real hourly data in TMY2 format?

Jeff Buscher, PE

Jeff Buscher's picture
Joined: 2011-10-01
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Timothy Howe, MS, LEED(r) AP

Howe, Timothy's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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Just in case there was some confusion, the TMY3 (like TMY2) are not continuous periods of chronological time, they are 12 individual months often from different years that are combined to form one "average" or typical year for simulation purposes.

So the data are (mostly) actual hourly weather observations, but not for one continuous year that would correspond with the utility bills.


David S Eldridge's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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