Natural Ventilation and System Type

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I am attempting to model a VAV system with natural ventilation
(Sherman-Grimsrud). According to the DOE2 Documentation (Vol. 2:
Dictionary), the natural ventilation keywords beginning with "VENT"
apply only to system TYPE = RESYS, RESYS2, PSZ and EVAP-COOL. I haven't
been able to decipher why this might be, but there it is.

Oddly, when I DO try and model the S-G method with a VAV system, my SS-B
report shows some of the cooling load being covered by natural
ventilation in the "Cooling by Zone Coils or Natural Ventilation" column
and my overall energy consumption is decreased. So, at first glance the
natural ventilation function appears to be working.

I'm guessing this means one of two things:
a. Natural ventilation is not actually working correctly, eQuest is
doing something screwy in the background and, therefore, by results are
b. Natural ventilation IS working correctly and perhaps the
documentation just hasn't caught up with the software (which is not

Any ideas?

Sarah Moore, PE

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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