Modeling approach for Campus central Geothermal

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I would like some suggestion on modeling approach for situation in which a building primary heat source is a campus central geothermal plant. I am trying to comply with Oregon SEED ( State Energy Efficiency Code) target of 20% energy savings and simultaneously prepare a model for LEEd EA credit. The building is dormitory ( classified as residential)

Building HVAC system.
The primary distribution system for this building is 2-pipe fan coil units with buildings central plant having an Air cooled Scroll Chiller( Chilled water ) and a Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (Heating Hot Water).

The problem I am facing is with the modeling procedures outlined in both SEED and LEEd. Both the guidelines don't seen to address the above situation at this point and does not allow us to take credit for geothermal well ( which is free source ). For example, in the case of SEED modeling guidelines, it points us to use steam meter in both the proposed case and baseline case, with baseline system being PTHP and when it comes to LEED, if the above described system falls under the District energy system definitions and criteria. Further instructions in the STEP 2 of the guidelines, points us towards using a boiler in the proposed case to represent a virtual plant.

I feel both the modeling procedures do not allow the project to take credit of using the geothermal central source. If any one of you have come across a similar situation, I would really appreciate if you shed some light.


Aditya Potipireddi, LEED AP

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