Looking for published utility data

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I am working on a mixed use project that has offices, retail residential and higher education spaces in the mix. We are trying to estimate anticipated energy loads - both annual usage and peak demand for each space type (chilled water, steam, natural gas and electricity). I have reasonably good data from CBECS & LBNL on annual energy usage. The roadblock is in the peak demand numbers.

Does anyone know of a good [credible] published resource for peak demand numbers for these building types?

Thanks for your help

Vikram Sami, LEED AP BD+C

Sami, Vikram's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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All of the vendor provided sizing software for hot water is aimed at
daily use, not peak. "Recovery Time" is usually provided for hot water and

that can be flipped over to give a good estimate of peak use, but only
for hot water.

In fact the fairly-early-in-the-day demand for hot water in K-12
education food service limits the effectiveness of Solar Thermal systems

JRR's picture
Joined: 2011-10-01
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Hi Vikram,

CEUS (California Commercial End Use Survey: ) is a credible, citable report
that has simulated electricity demand curves for different building types
(small/large office, college, retail, etc. It doesn't cover residential).
Since CEUS was developed for utility demand forecasting the curves
represent aggregate demand for an entire utility zone and statewide, but
you might be able to tease out values for a typical building by using EUI
and other information from the report. There is a TON of information in
this report, but it is all California-centric so I'm not sure how
applicable it will be to your case. Here's a link to the report, the demand
curves start on page 169: http://www.energy.ca.gov/ceus/.

Good luck,


Samuel Brunswick's picture
Joined: 2011-11-17
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