LEED Compliance and Ceiling Plenums

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Dear All,

I have had the same error message again and again
It seems that creating
plenums and generating a baseline building is incompatible in eQuest

When I take out the plenums, the baseline building is generated just fine.
As soon as I put them back on, I have the compliance error again. I have
tried everything among the different combinations between:







Not Included

Conditioned Directly or Indirectly

Conditioned RA Plenum or Ceiling

Unconditioned, Enclosed

I have followed advice which was given on a previous thread saying that one
should change all plenum spaces to conditioned spaces, generate the baseline
building and return them to unconditioned afterwards. Even though I input my
plenum space as conditioned, eQuest still sends me the same error message.

Dealing with a complex building structure, I would rather not delete my
plenum spaces to re-implement them after the baseline building has been
generated as this would mean having to input manually all the window
properties and location again (customized in the Detailed Wizard).

Has anyone found a solution to this problem (other than deleting the
plenum)? Does eQuest automatically assign plenum properties to previously
plenum spaces that have been modified by the user?

I would greatly appreciate your help on this matter.

Best Regards,

Armelle Le Bihan

Armelle B.Eng./M.Eng. LEED / Environmentally Sustainable Design Project Coordinator
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Joined: 2012-08-24
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