SPC209 Energy Simulation Aided Design Meeting in San Antonio

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ASHRAE SPC 209 Energy Simulation Aided Design for Buildings
Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings will be having our
first meeting during the upcoming San Antonio ASHRAE conference:

San Antonio
Tuesday June 26 8:00am - Noon
Convention Center at River Level Room 006B

For easy access to meetings in 006 follow signs to
convention center down escalator past the Hyatt restaurant
and enter the convention center, rooms are straight down the


Jason Glazer's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0

Basic LEED questions. I am using the Compliance analysis in eQuest o generate the base design and my questions are
1- Does the base design has to have the same number of zones as the actual design ( the compliance analysis is generating less zones).
2- The compliance analysis generated R values much higher than what ASHRA E 90.1-2007 calls for. should I manually change them
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Thank you

Abaza Hussein's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
Reputation: 200

Basic LEED questions. I am using the Compliance analysis in eQuest o generate the base design and my questions are
1- Does the base design has to have the same number of zones as the actual design ( the compliance analysis is generating less zones).
2- The compliance analysis generated R values much higher than what ASHRAE 90.1-2007 calls for. should I manually change them
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Thank you

Abaza Hussein's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
Reputation: 200

Hi there,

0. I continue to generally advise against relying on the eQuest LEED compliance features at present. This feature can be useful for one?s workflow, but only for the sum of modelers willing to carefully review the corresponding guidance that comes with eQuest 3.64.

1. Strict reading of 90.1 language is the models should match. If you?re getting at plenum zones however, it could be moot/appropriate for the models to differ in consideration of the system types and their respective return air path behavior.

2. I haven?t yet) observed completely wrong constructions generated by the compliance feature myself, but can assert my past LEED reviewers have permitted some variance from what?s required/implied for baseline constructions in 90.1. I feel two competent modelers can come up with different ?correct? interpretations for the same baseline construction. That said, see point 0. I would manually revise constructions for compliance. If they really are way off, it could be productive to share your findings with members of the DOE2 development team (findable through the list archives).

Adding to point 0.: Your ?should I manually change?? query suggests you may not realize the compliance features of eQuest do not purport to do all work associated with a baseline model. Review the associated guidelines carefully! Help > Tutorials and Reference > LEED Analysis


Nick-Caton's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 805

90.1 requires the baseline to match the proposed model (I normally match exactly, but some variance may be acceptable, as described). The proposed model should be representative of the actual design (I practice matching exactly again, but Appendix G & the 90.1 Users Manual allow for and contextually encourage some flexibility in ?representation?). I do not understand fully whether your models are following the standards.

I gather your proposed model was specified with 40 zones and a 10 zone baseline was generated? I also assume plenums are not central to this difference since you?re still asking after my first reply? If those speculations are correct, I would personally go back to building a baseline directly from the proposed model as the compliance feature does not sound like it?s behaving for you.

Apologies, but I need to shift my focus away from the lists today ? terribly busy actually. Please address any further queries to the whole list if needed!



Nick-Caton's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 805

Hello Hussein,
I agree with Nick. You should have the same number of zones in both models. And at Atelier Ten, we don't use any automatic compliance generators in eQuest.

Good luck,

Shanta Tucker

Shanta Tucker's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
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