Free rate structures/schedules for TRACE 700

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All- is now sponsoring free file downloads. We are looking for
people who wish to share a file, whether out of good will or for free
advertising (we will list and link to your site). So, if you have a valid
file that you wish to share, please contact me directly. Any energy-modeling
file will be considered (other software packages, and also useful documents)

In order to keep the site operating efficiently, users must sign up (which
is free) to download the files, listed here

Currently, we have EPACT schedules, updated statewide average utility rates,
an ice storage example and a PG&E rate structure for TRACE 700. Please keep
in mind that we are a third party and not Trane CDS, so please leave a
comment on the downloads page or email admin at if you have a
problem with the website or download.


Bob F's picture
eQUEST UserLEED EA Credit 1 TrainingTRACE 700 User
Joined: 2010-06-30
Reputation: 18