matching detailed report with hourly report

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I want to match the number from detailed report (in this case LS-F)
with hourly report.

The variable that I want to match is the solar radiation through
external windows. I have reported the total (direct+diffuse)
transmitted solar radiation (this is variable no 13 under window
hourly reports). If I multiply these values with the area of the
windows and multiply by the SC, I should have the total transmitted
solar radiation for the whole year. However, the number does not match
with the total in LS-F.

Did I pick a wrong variable?



Ery Djunaedy's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0

I would guess that the difference might be variable 13 is reporting the
heat gain due to solar whereas the LS-F is the heat load -- the difference
being some of the heat gain is absorbed by the furnishings & zone thermal
mass to be re-added as a load later depending on the weighting factors.

This, however is just a guess.


bfountain's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 201